Congratulation! You are ready to exhibit and share your artwork to the world. That is fantastic!

Whether it is your first time getting your work shown in an art gallery or you’re an established artist looking to expand your presence into new cities, understanding the fundamentals for how an art gallery selects its artists is essential.

First you need to reflect on your work, know the theme and inspiration behind your work.

Most gallery owners and art collectors are fascinated by stories behind your creative façade. Also be able to tell a gallery why you believe you’re at an appropriate point in your career to contact them. Be prepared to direct them to your resume, your artist statement, or to any other information that supports your reasoning.

Do your research to see if the gallery is a good match for your work and level of experience. Read upon terms and conditions usually found on their Gallery Hire section of their website.

No venue is too small! If you’re trying to get your art in a gallery, smaller exhibitions are great start and easier to get into. Even a tiny coffee shop displaying your best pieces is something to add to your resume and an invite event to send to prospective gallery directors.

Be active in the art community. Attend as many opening nights, art fairs and charity functions and introduce yourself to the gallery owners, curators and event organisers. You will become a familiar face!

Connect with fellow artists, and be supportive of their work. Some galleries do not post calls for artist submissions, and the only way in is through a referral. Collaborate with other artists if you don’t think you have enough body of work to showcase. Many galleries welcome group exhibitions.

And finally exposure! Develop an audience before approaching the galleries. Having an online art portfolio is essential when it comes to marketing yourself and targeting art galleries seeking new artists.

Our gallery is passionate about nurturing and supporting upcoming artists building confidence to enter the art world.